Fundraising Page for
Phoenix Police Department
K9 Bane
EOW 17 April 2018
for his K9 Hero Portrait
UPDATE: Thanks to the Phoenix Police Foundation, Bane is now FULLY SPONSORED!
The Phoenix Arizona Police Department and community lost a K9 Hero on 4/17/18. Officer Curtis Howard lost his partner and family member.
Loreen will be flying to Arizona to present Bane's portrait to Officer Howard and his family and to also bring a print of Bane's portrait for Phoenix PD. As with every hero painted, we need SPONSORS to help us achieve this goal. Every person who donates towards Bane's portrait will have their name engraved on a plaque that gets presented to Officer Curtis Howard showing "who" made his painting of his partner possible to come home again, on canvas.
The K9 Hero Portrait Project is an IRS recognized Non-Profit 501(c)(3) organization. Our goal is to provide our nations law enforcement, military, and search and rescue canine handlers a painstakingly hand-painted portrait of their beloved K9 partner. To do this, we rely on donations by people who want to make a difference, as we do, in the lives of those who are sworn to protect us. We have several ways you can donate to keep this project going and help "Bring Home" the K9 partners of these men and women and their families.
K9 partners are never "equipment". The bond between the handlers and K9 runs so deep that many times only one person can only handle the dog in its career. We here at The K9 Hero Portrait Project understand this bond and feel it is our duty to provide these men and women with a powerful and meaningful legacy as a testament of those partnerships.
We have helped 52 handlers and families of K9 heroes with providing a beautiful portrait of their K9 partners, some who were lost or killed in action. The number one response we receive when a portrait is presented? That we brought their partner back to them again.
Although we have stopped taking nominations, the wait list for a K9 Hero Portrait currently extends through the end of 2018. Each portrait takes an average of 125 hours to complete. This program cannot succeed without the necessary funding to cover the costs of materials, labor, shipping or transportation/hotel fees if the portrait is being presented in-person by the artist.
Your donation will go directly towards showing our men and women who serve, stateside and overseas, that we as a nation thank and appreciate them for their service.
The K9 Hero Portrait Project relies on donations to cover the supplies, to pay our artist, the shipping and/or travel expenses to present these amazing hero portraits. Talk to any of the 40+ handlers who have received their hero portraits, including the Embassy of France and members of the Royal Danish Air Force, and they will tell you that they feel forever indebted to those who helped bring their partner home to them again, on canvas.
The K9HPP utilizes Razoo as well as PayPal for donations. You may also mail your donation to The K9 Hero Portrait Project, P.O. Box 327, Benton, PA 17814-0327
Please use the Razoo or PayPal links to make a major credit card donation. Both will send you immediate receipts for tax purposes. Paypal can be set up with a recurring donation (first section of Paypal below), or a one time donation (second section).
You can email us to let us know if you'd like your donation to go toward one particular hero's portrait.
The K9HPP utilizes Razoo as well as PayPal for donations. You may also mail your donation to The K9 Hero Portrait Project, P.O. Box 327, Benton, PA 17814-0327
Please use the Razoo or PayPal links to make a major credit card donation. Both will send you immediate receipts for tax purposes. Paypal can be set up with a recurring donation (first section of Paypal below), or a one time donation (second section).
You can email us to let us know if you'd like your donation to go toward one particular hero's portrait.
The K9 Hero Portrait Project
P.O. Box 327
Benton, PA 17814-0327
EIN #46-242-0850 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization
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